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  • October 2019 Litigation Insights

    October 2019 Litigation Insights
  • March 2019 Litigation Insights

    Read the latest from Wagstaffe, LexisNexis Solutions Consultants, and the newest additions to Moore's.
  • February 2019 Litigation Insights

    Moore's additions, What's New from Wagstaffe, and Tips and Tricks for LexisAdvance.
  • January 2019 Litigation Insights

    Moore's additions, What's New from Wagstaffe, and Tips and Tricks for LexisAdvance.
  • December 2018 Litigation Insights

    December 2018 Edition of Litigation Insights - Moore's Federal Practice & Procedure, Wagstaffe's Civil Procedure Before Trial
  • November 2018 Litigation Insights

    November 2018 Edition of Litigation Insights - Moore's Federal Practice & Procedure, Wagstaffe's Civil Procedure Before Trial