Lexis Medical Navigator®: Getting Started

Watch this short introductory video to Lexis Medical Navigator and you’ll gain a solid understanding of how to navigate the tool and get started with your research.

Elsevier's Clinical Key & Research Parties
Elsevier’s Clinical Key Pod provides full text medical journals as well as evidence based clinical resources. In addition, using Lexis Medical Navigator Research Parties Pod you are able to examine all individuals involved in your case by utilizing LexisNexis Public Records database, comprised of more than 65 billion public records.

Expert Witnesses
Lexis Medical Navigator provides instant access to critical information on hundreds of thousands of expert witnesses. While also conducting medical research, Lexis Medical Navigator also makes it easy through the Legal Analysis Pod.

Standard of Care & Case Value Assessment
Quickly identify breaches in medical treatment protocol using Lexis Medical Navigator Standard of Care Analysis. Using Lexis Medical Navigator Case Value Assessment Pod you can then evaluate the risk to prosecute or defend a case through our sophisticated Q&A technology.
Maximize your Lexis Medical Navigator® subscription
Get complimentary Lexis Medical Navigator® training—from a novice user to the seasoned researcher—all from one of our experienced research veterans.
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