8 Apr 2021
Author : InfoPro Community Manager
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LexisNexis® Information Professional Update—April 2021
New Product Spotlight
Anticipate how an attorney is likely to argue a case with Context Attorney Analytics
The powerful Context Attorney Analytics solution provides rich and unique attorney profiles that include background information and experience, the specific language used to argue an issue and links to documents pertaining to an attorney across the breadth of Lexis® and Lexis+™ content. Get the details.
Explore new and integrated international content on Lexis® and Lexis+™
With content available for more than 155 countries, the Lexis and Lexis+ services give you access to one of the most comprehensive collections of international materials used by legal professionals. The most recent addition of translated primary law from Global-Regulation Inc. helps inform work on cross-border and multinational matters. See more.
Check out recent Lexis® CourtLink® enhancements to help save you time and effort
We’ve added a variety of timesaving features to the CourtLink® service in the past six months to help you edit existing Alerts, select Alert result options, gain clarity faster when viewing state court search results, save court templates and more. Take a look.
New Law360® enhancements and tools that enrich search effectiveness, workflow and insights
The Law360® Pulse inaugural legal technology survey takes a deep dive into the most significant challenges for law firm and in-house corporate information technology departments during the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, several new enhancements have been released including new filters, navigation improvements and app updates. Learn more.
Are you meeting your international privacy obligations?
Knowing international privacy requirements is vital to compliance. Now you can download a complimentary checklist we’ve developed in conjunction with Dudley Kneller, partner at Gadens and legal consultant for LexisNexis® Regulatory Compliance. It includes a privacy table, providing a snapshot of the main privacy legislation, responsible authority and maximum penalties applicable across multiple international jurisdictions. See for yourself.
Digest of LexisNexis® Information Professional
Find prior issues archived on the LexisNexis® InfoPro website.
LexisNexis, Lexis, CourtLink and the Knowledge Burst logo are registered trademarks and Lexis+ is a trademark of RELX Inc. Law360 is a registered trademark of Portfolio Media, Inc. Other products or services may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.