Senator Sanders, Dem Lawmakers Warn Labor Secretary Perez About Opt Outs . CEPR Examines Cuts in Workers Comp and Rising SSDI Payments . NCCI Announces New President and CEO William E. Donnell . Obama Announces Guidelines for Addressing Prescription Drug...
A federal district court, sitting in Illinois, held that in as much as a retaliatory discharge action in Illinois is created by the state’s Workers’ Compensation Act [see 820 Ill. Comp. Stat. Ann. § 305/4(h)], such a civil action may not be removed...
Obama Signs Executive Order for Federal Contractors to Provide Paid Sick Leave . Lawmakers Introduce Bill to Lower Prescription Drug Prices . Houses Passes Bills to Address Opioid Abuse . NIOSH Examines Lessons Learned of 9/11 Health Effects . Study Finds...
WEDI: Only Half of States Ready for ICD-10 Switch for Work Comp Claim Purposes . MSP Report Examines Impact of MMSEA Section 111 Reporting Requirements . New England Governors Urge FDA to Change Opioid Warning Labels . AK: Uber Agrees to Pay State a Fine...
NCCI Posts New Release of Proof of Coverage State Guide . ProPublica Partners With Beacon Crowdfunding Site to Generate Work Comp News . 10th Circuit Overturns $3.5M Verdict in Alleged Construction Machine Defect Case . NRLB Redefines Joint Employer Status...
An Illinois appellate court reversed a Commission’s order denying workers’ compensation benefits to a welder who sustained a left knee injury while sitting in a swivel chair at his workplace. The worker, a welder who had previously sustained an injury...
GAO Blasts SSA for Inability to Detect Concurrent FECA Payments . Private Investigators Say Drones Useful in Uncovering Workers Comp Fraud . Federal Judge to Rule in Coming Weeks on Uber Class Action Certification . Opioid Use Linked to Poor Outcomes in WC...
Where a parent corporation paid workers’ compensation benefits for employees of a subsidiary, it enjoyed immunity from negligence claims under 820 ILCS 305/5(a) (2012) only if it was under a legal obligation to pay the benefits, held an Illinois appellate...
ProPublica Releases Complication Rates for 17,000 Surgeons . GOP Backs Uber and On-Demand Economy . US DOL Issues Additional Guidance on Employee Misclassification . US DOL to Hold Presentation July 21 on Next 25 Years of ADA . 13% of Small Businesses Concerned...
John F. Burton, Jr. Examines Impact of Race to the Bottom for Workers Comp Costs (p. 6) . Prof. Spieler Attacks AMA Guides for Absence of Evidence-Based Medicine . A.M. Best: U.S .State Workers Comp Funds’ Net Premiums Increased 11.5% in 2014 . Insurance...
NCCI Posts Latest Economic Outlook and Impact on Workers Comp . Fitch Ratings Announces Top Workers Comp Insurance Writers for 2014 . OSHA Issues Inspection Guidance for Health Care Industry . Columnist: New Worker Category Should Be Created to Cover Gig...
WCRI Study Examines Variation of Surgery Rates Across States . Coventry Workers Comp Services Releases 2014 Drug Trends Analysis . National Survey Finds Big Decline in Poor Uninsured After Affordable Care Act . US Sup. Ct.: Same-Sex Couples May Marry, Obtain...
Study: 26 States See Increase in Drug Overdose Death Rate . NIOSH Examines Hazards of Temporary Employment . NIOSH Proposes Adding Over 30 New Drugs to Hazardous Drug List . Uber Adopts No Gun Policy for Drivers, Passengers After Chicago Shooting . Study...
US DOL Plans to Issue Independent Contractor Guidance . Economic Policy Institute Releases White Paper on Misclassification of Workers . Liberty Mutual Pulling Back From Workers’ Comp Insurance Market . Liberty Mutual White Paper Supports Use of Nurse...
NIOSH Research Improves Equipment Design to Help Protect Firefighters . Congressman Wants to Help Gig Economy Survive, Protect On-Demand Worker Rights . Bipartisan Legislation Unveiled for Medicare Secondary Payer, Workers Comp Settlements . AIA Supports...