NCCI Posts New Release of Proof of Coverage State Guide . ProPublica Partners With Beacon Crowdfunding Site to Generate Work Comp News . 10th Circuit Overturns $3.5M Verdict in Alleged Construction Machine Defect Case . NRLB Redefines Joint Employer Status...
RIMS/Advisen: Stable Insurance Market Shows Decline in Workers Comp Costs . Payroll Fraud Prevention Act of 2015 Introduced in Congress . Luxe Valet On Demand Service Converts Contractors to Employees . Lawmakers Seek to Investigate DOJ’s Prosecution...
NCCI Posts Latest Economic Outlook and Impact on Workers Comp . Fitch Ratings Announces Top Workers Comp Insurance Writers for 2014 . OSHA Issues Inspection Guidance for Health Care Industry . Columnist: New Worker Category Should Be Created to Cover Gig...
NIOSH, Ohio BWC to Study Impact of Integrating Wellness With OSH Programs . ACOEM/UL Propose New Framework for Integrating Health/Safety Programs in Workplace . U.S. Rep. Refiles Bill to Prevent ICD-10 Implementation . NIOSH Examines Higher Nurse-to-Patient...
DOJ Audit Alleges GEO Group Incorrectly Calculated Workers Comp Insurance . US DOL Proposes Rule to Revise Black Lung Benefits Act . OSHA Issues Final Confined Spaces Rule to Protect Construction Workers . Doctors Banned From Billing Medicare Still Billing...
US Senate Approves Sweeping Changes to How Medicare Pays Doctors . EEOC Proposes Rule on Application of ADA to Workplace Wellness Programs . WCRI Releases Nat’l Inventory of Cost Containment Initiatives Adopted in 51 Jurisdictions . NIOSH Finds Police...
NIOSH Recommends All Workplaces Be Tobacco Free, eCigarette Free . NIOSH Examines High Rate of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Among Poultry Workers . OSHA Updates Workplace Violence Protections for Healthcare, Social Service Workers . CMS Releases Version 4.6 of...
WCRI Posts Annual Report and Research Review . Workers Sue Instacart (On Demand Grocery), Claim Misclassification . Immigrant Workers in Constant Fear of Deportation When Injured at Work . McDonald’s Employees File 28 Health and Safety Complaints in...
Obama’s Budget Proposal Mandates Reporting of Workers Comp Benefits to SSA . ProPublica Comments on OSHA Study of Inequality, Lack of Workplace Safety . The Atlantic: Workers Comp Policy “Doesn’t Really Seem to Involve You Until It Does”...
WCRI Study Updates on Rising Hospital Costs in Workers Compensation . OR WCD Releases Full Report on 2014 WC Premium Rate Ranking . Study on Opioid Tolerance Could Help Pain Patients Stay on Lower Dosages . Study: Risk of Unintentional Overdose Twice as High...
House Bills Filed Seek End of Federal Prohibition on Marijuana . FDA Issues Draft Documents for Compliance With Laws on Compound Drugs . GENEX White Paper Examines Tipping Points of Routine Workers Comp Claims . WCRI Names New Executive Director and New CEO...
Doctors, Drug Companies Exploit Loopholes in Physician Dispensing . Gig Workers Seek Labor Protections, Benefits . Zurich 4Q Profit Drops 20 Percent . H.R. 994 Would Improve Workers Compensation for Uranium Mining . Affordable Care Act Raises Stakes for...
An injured worker’s medical expenses related to intravenous chelation therapy performed in a medical office should have been paid by the employer in spite of a specific state regulation [see WV. Code of St. Rules 85–20–62.2] that precluded the...
Expert Examines Whether Employee Classification Issues Hurt Uber Business Model . Uber Employee Email Exchanges Shed Light on Firing Practices of Drivers . Manufacturers Seek to Reduce Risks for Workplace Exposure to Chemical Flavorings . CMS Releases NGHP...
In a memorandum decision, the Supreme Court of Appeals of West Virginia affirmed a decision by the state Board of Review that found a worker’s death was the result of natural causes—prior to his death, the worker suffered from obesity, high cholesterol...