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Generative AI is predicted to transform almost every industry, so it is hardly surprising that companies spent more than $20 billion on the technology last year. But the technology alone is not enough...
Artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly integral to business intelligence (BI), sparking the question: Will AI replace business intelligence as we know it? As AI tools become more advanced, they are...
Artificial intelligence (AI) is redefining how organisations approach business intelligence (BI). Today, professionals need to extract actionable insights from an ever-growing volume of data faster than...
Securing large donors can be a game-changer for nonprofits, providing substantial financial support and potentially opening doors to broader networks of philanthropy. As the end-of-year giving season approaches...
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming how organizations conduct company research, offering new tools and methodologies that vastly improve the ability to gather, analyze, and utilize data...
Who doesn’t love a good story? As Harvard Business Review pointed out in 2014, “We humans have been communicating through stories for upwards of 20,000 years, back when our flat screens were cave walls.” These days, ways, reasons, and places that stories are told has expanded even further. Forget flat screens. People—including prospective donors for your non-profit or University—are inundated with messages on a multitude of channels and devices. How do you ensure your fundraising appeals get heard (or seen)?
A louder megaphone isn’t the answer. You need to break through the noise with messages that enable meaningful connections. Not only can a shareable story extend the reach of non-profit fundraising campaigns, but it can help you reach the right people and spur action:
Neither are statistics, at least not on their own. That’s where storytelling offers real value. “Donors give to help solve a problem. Whether that problem is to feed the hungry, make education accessible, save the environment, get more pets rescued or eliminate systemic racism, the job of a story is to stir feelings within your supporters’ hearts and minds,” writes the Association of Fundraising Professionals.
While impressive percentages provide evidence, they don’t necessarily get the blood pumping or leave a lasting impression. In fact, research at Stanford University found that after listening to a one minute speech featuring three statistics and one story, only 5% of listeners could remember a single statistic, but 63% could recall the story.
Before you craft the stories to support your fundraising goals, you need to understand your audience. Whether you want to create one-on-one engagement with a high-value contributor, reach a new demographic to expand your donor base, or connect with companies based on their Corporate Responsibility initiatives, conducting research is crucial.
Given its wide availability, it can be tempting to turn to the open web for non-profit donor research. But Google’s convenience makes more sense when you’re looking for the best local coffee shop than insights into donors. Open web searches tend to serve up sources that have the strongest SEO game, rather than the most relevant content.
Even if you by-pass the sponsored results, your research can turn into a time-consuming, costly treasure hunt that yields outdated material, dubious sources, and more questions than answers. Plus, those frustrating moments when you think you’ve uncovered a real gem, only to get stopped in your research tracks by a paywall.
Choosing a cloud-based research platform empowers non-profit donor research that delivers real value. Nexis for Development Professionals, for example, aggregates a market-leading collection of sources that are ideal for discovering actionable insights. Search from one place to find:
Once you have a solid understanding of your intended audience, whether it’s one person or one thousand, you’re in a better position to tell a story that ignites a passionate—and giving—response.
Want more storytelling best practices? Request a free trial of Nexis for Development Professionals to see how non-profit donor research can give your fundraising a boost.
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