Monitor your brand image, your e-reputation

Give yourself the means to implement a truly effective influence marketing strategy

Influencers and influencer marketing

In terms of recommendations, the importance of word of mouth, expert opinions or trusted people no longer needs to be demonstrated and with social networks, this trend has become exponential. From now on, we can see in near real time which products and brands are preferred by our friends, thanks to the multiple engagement features, such as “likes” and “shares” made available on social networks.

These new possibilities have revolutionized the work of communicators and press and public relations professionals. In just a few years, influencer marketing has become a strategic practice for understanding and influencing our motivations and buying decisions.

However, before being able to deploy this influence marketing strategy, a major challenge presents itself to communicators. How to identify the most relevant influencers, those who have a real influence on your consumers, your partners or suppliers? Individuals with a large subscriber base or those who regularly post content on social networks, are they your real influencers, do they really have influence on purchasing decisions, the way your products are perceived? , your leaders or your brand? Not necessarily according to our proprietary tool and methodology. Influence is governed by numerous criteria - five of which are truly discriminating - and varies according to the social network, the media and the sector of activity studied. Your ability to identify the right influencers will determine the success of your influencer marketing strategy. Don't get the methodology wrong at the risk of laying the wrong foundations for your influence marketing strategy. To learn more about our methodology, listen to our web-conference hosted by two influencer marketing experts.

Discover below our solutions to carry out your influence strategies!

Identify and qualify your real influencers with LexisNexis

Ensure the success of your influencer marketing strategy. 

Influencer Landscape Report – solution for your influencer strategies

Detect and qualify the real influencers within your ecosystem and ensure the success of your influencer marketing strategies.

A la carte analyzes – tailor-made reports and personalized studies

Sector, marketing and opinion studies to optimize your strategic and operational actions. Data expertise and a unique methodology for value-added insights.

news monitoringNexis Newsdesk

Nexis Newsdesk, our flagship media intelligence solution, empowers you to comprehensively scour a plethora of content to aid your brand management efforts. It enables you to:

  • create personalized news searches around topics of interest
  • analyse brand awareness and marketing campaign results
  • benchmark against competitors
  • identify trends
  • monitor what people are saying about your company, your brand and your competitors in near-real time so you can quickly respond to developments
  • track multiple topics across nearly 4 million articles daily, spanning 75 languages and more than 100 countries, for a comprehensive view of the media landscape
  • stay abreast of 24/7 broadcast-news coverage with monitoring of more than 2,000 TV and radio stations around the world and access to full-length transcripts and related videos
  • keep track of the buzz across social media, including Facebook, Twitter and other social networks, as well as thought-leader blogs, podcasts, microblogs, video/photo sharing sites, industry forums and more
  • convert your research into easy-to-digest charts and graphs to share news and insights within your organisation
  • stay up to date on the latest news thanks to customised alerts and newsletters
  • share copyright-compliant news and information with colleagues and clients using customisable distribution tools, including branded newsletters and RSS feeds

Newsdesk’s features include:

  • a customizable dashboard
  • branded alerts and newsletters
  • embeddable interactive charts
  • advanced analysis and filtering capabilities
  • personalized searches and alerts
  • an unparalleled array of content.

Request a Free Trial here..

Nexis® Social Analytics

Nexis® Social Analytics, our social data intelligence platform, is a crucial instrument in your brand management toolkit, as it empowers you to capitalize on the endless stream of social media conversations happening today.

Using this powerful real-time monitoring and social-listening tool means you’ll never miss a conversation about your brand, your products or your competitors. It lets you:

  • quickly and easily analyse billions of social posts and conversations to monitor your brand, manage potential PR crises, measure campaign effectiveness and gain insight into your social audiences
  • identify patterns, follow trends, assess performance gaps and track return on investment of your campaigns
  • take advantage of social media reporting to highlight successes and areas worthy of attention, and share insights quickly and easily across your organisation
  • see which networks your audience is coming from and monitor how you’re performing on different social networks.
  • track the impact that influencers and media mentions have on your website traffic
  • leverage analytics tools, such as image recognition, virality mapping, geolocation tagging, sentiment analysis, hashtag tracking and more
  • turn data from social conversations into meaningful insights from more than 10 social networks and 150 million websites.

With these social insights at your fingertips, you’ll be able to make more informed, impactful decisions to drive your brand and your business forward.

Speak to our Experts

Nexis® Media Intelligence Research and Analytics

Nexis® Media Intelligence Research and Analytics combines our media metrics and human expertise to help you find the content that’s relevant to your brand. Accessing this content is key to understanding both how people perceive your brand and how it’s performing in the market.

What’s more, we curate content in more than 90 languages internationally so you can monitor your brand on a global scale. This content includes articles, videos, photos and more.

Nexis® Media Intelligence Research and Analytics applies filters and gleans data that you can use to

  • quickly identify trends
  • determine how specific campaigns are performing
  • compare your brand’s standing with that of your competitors
  • see where new opportunities lie.

Armed with these insights, you can focus on what’s truly important to your organisation.

Nexis® Media Contacts Solution

In today's fast-paced media landscape, staying up to date with the media outlets and contacts that are best suited to earn you publicity for your brand is key.

With Nexis® Media Contacts Solution, our cloud-based media database and communications service, you can identify influencers and amplify your message so you can achieve your brand management and communications goals. The database features nearly 800,000 media contacts across 200 countries.

It allows you to:

  • search by beat, keyword or region
  • identify relevant publications, outlets, journalists, bloggers and social media influencers to help amplify your message
  • easily track open and click rates of emails
  • evaluate your branding programs
  • share relevant business intelligence across your organization with customizable distribution tools, including alerts, branded newsletters and RSS feeds.
  • create a seamless experience tailored to your needs with customized dashboards and an interface that matches your organization's branding.

Explore our Media Monitoring Solutions

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Telephone number: +31 (0)20 485 3456