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PCLaw 204: Accounting Made Easy

PCLaw® Bundles
3:00pm - 5:00pm Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Seats Available
Learning Method
Virtual Training (WebEx)
PCLaw - Data Entry, Billing and Collections
Registration End

Price $200.00

Registration Closed


This bundle includes the following course modules:

  • PCLaw 201: All Bills, Great and Small
  • PCLaw 202: I’m Off to the Bank
  • PCLaw 203: Which Report do I look at First
  • PCLaw 204: Accounting Made Easy

PCLaw 201: All Bills, Great and Small

  • Preparing for Billing 
  • Creating Pre-bills and Bills
  • Undoing Bills
  • Examining BillFlow Manager
  • Receiving Payment
  • Past Due Notices

PCLaw 202: I’m Off to the Bank

  • Preparing for Banking 
  • Making General Bank Transactions
  • Making Trust Bank Transactions
  • Creating Deposit Slips
  • Tracking Accounts Payables

PCLaw 203: Which Report do I look at First

  • Breaking down the reports in PCLaw
  • Common Report Features
  • Examining the Primary Journals in PCLaw
  • What are the Main Client Based Reports
  • The Best Accounts Receivables and Productivity Reports

PCLaw 204: Accounting Made Easy

  • Explaining Accounting in PCLaw
  • Amortizing Mortgages
  • Budgeting
  • What to do in Payroll
  • Processing Credit Cards

Meeting information for this class will be sent in a separate email. 

To ensure the trainer can provide sufficient individual attention to every participant, each registration allows a single person a single connection to the course. If you wish to have additional people share a connection, please register each person individually. 

If you are already familiar with these fundamentals concepts, and you want to learn more we instead recommend our PCLaw 301: Pro Certification.

