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Windows Client Essentials for Using Data Change Management and Data Quality Tools

11:00am - 3:00pm Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Seats Available
Learning Method
Virtual Training (WebEx)
InterAction - Data Steward
Registration End

Price $1,000.00

Registration Closed


Note: Prior to the first session of class, each participant must complete the self-paced, OnDemand course, InterAction Fundamentals Concepts. Participants must take the 10-question quiz at the end of the OnDemand course and submit results to the instructor to confirm completion.
Session  1:  Windows Client Essentials for Understanding and Maintaining Contact Data
When:   July 26,  2017    11am – 3pm ET
Session 2:  Windows Client Essentials for Using Data Change Management and Data Quality Tools
When:   July 28, 2017    11am – 3pm ET
Session Descriptions:
Session 1:  Windows Client Essentials for Understanding and Maintaining Contact Data
The Essentials Understanding and Maintaining InterAction session is a comprehensive, hands-on review of contact data and contact organization, company association, relationships and contact intelligence used for marketing, business development, and data quality efforts. This lesson highlights key components of how Marketing benefits from contact organization and contact quality tools. This course is designed to provide both Marketing and Data Stewards the tools and concepts they need to help succeed in their own InterAction tasks.
Targeted Role:  
Marketing professionals and Data Stewards who will be creating or working in folders, adding contacts to lists, and exporting and importing contact information.
Session Outline:
• Explain the purpose of contact types
• View, edit, and add contact information
• Exporting and Advanced Importing
Session 2:  Windows Client Essentials for Using Data Change Management and Data Quality Tools
The Essentials Using Data Change Management and Data Quality Tools session is a comprehensive, hands-on module to prepare Data Stewards to efficiently maintain the firm’s data quality through the Data Change Management inbox, the Data Quality menu, and out of the box saved data quality searches. This lesson emphasizes the need for contact care and management, and how those efforts pertain to marketing and business development efforts. This course will enable your Data Stewards to approach data quality efforts thoughtfully and efficiently.
Targeted Role:  
Data Stewards who will be working to ensure the integrity of data within the database by using Data Chance Management and Data Quality tools.
Session Outline:
• Overview of Data Change Management (DCM)
• How DCM rules are set
• Process DCM tickets
• Create and run data maintenance searches
• Access and use data quality tools

