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PCLaw On-Demand Training

Run Time
60 Minutes
Recording Date
Learning Method
On-Demand Training
PCLaw - Partner, Attorney and Timekeeper
Registration End

Price $899.95

Registration Closed


The PCLaw  OnDemand training sessions will demonstrate fundamental concepts, and techniques to enable the user to perform PCLaw basic user level tasks. Users with a current Annual Maintenance Plan (AMP) have unlimited free access to this training for the length of their subscription.

Section: Data Entry, Billing, & Collections

Justin makes the profit center run. He adds in the time dockets, recovers costs, sends invoices out to the client, and makes sure they get paid. He is the hands on person in PCLaw. Data Entry, Billing, and Collections details the different methods for tracking time and expenses, multiple ways to create and deliver bills, and most importantly, how to receive payment.

 Lessons Available in this Suite:

• Posting Hours to the Time Sheet
• Recovering Soft Costs
• Creating Pre-Bills
• Quick Bills
• Receiving Payment
• Applying Email Templates
• System Setting > Data Entry
• Creating Bills
• Undo Bills
• Posting Flat Fees

Daily Tasks

• Time Sheet
• Expense Recovery
• Creating Pre-Bill
• Create Bill
• Quick Bill
• Receive Payment

General Setup

• System Settings
• Workstation Settings


• Time Entry Advisor
• Fee Sheet
• Undo Bill
• E-mail Templates

Section: Partner, Attorney, & Timekeeper

Victor is the face of the law firm. Clients cannot be strangers; details must be available the instant a client calls. He must have financial data quickly. There is no time to browse long reports. Victor is always on the go. Time is money. It must be recorded from anywhere. Partner Attorney, and Timekeeper takes you through Dashboard, Matter Management, Mobility and Time Tracking.

Lessons Available in this Suite:

• Navigating Dashboards
• My Practice Dashboard
• My Client Dashboard
• My Business Dashboard
• Installing PCLaw Mobility
• Client Manager
• Matter Manager
• Sending the Client Intake Form
• Importing the Client Intake Form
• Using PCLaw Mobility

Daily Tasks

• Time Sheet
• Client Intake


• Installing Mobility
• Using Mobility

Practice Management

• Matter Manager
• Client Manager
• Phone Call Manager
• Time Entry Advisor

Section: PCLaw Administrator & Office Manager

Samantha is the implementer, responsible for all setup activities in PCLaw, whether it is adding a new user, bank account, or explanation code. She oversees the firm’s contracts, itinerary and documentation. Samantha dictates uniformity within PCLaw, including templates, and firm wide options and settings. PCLaw Administrator & Office Manager walks you through PCLaw Front Office, setup, and software settings

 Lessons Available in this Suite:

• Adding Lawyers and Rates
• Creating Explanation Codes
• Creating Task Codes
• Creating Bank Accounts
• Applying Types of Law
• Time Entry Advisor
• Creating Email Templates for Billing
• Managing Contacts
• System Settings for Data Entry
• Workstation setting for Calendar

General Setup

• Lawyers and Rates
• Types of Law
• System Settings
• Security
• Explanation Codes
• Task Codes
• Workstation Settings

Accounting Setup

• Bank Accounts
• E-mail Templates

Practice Management

• Calendar
• Phone Call Manager
• Contact Manager
• Time Entry Advisor

Section: Bookkeeper & Accountant

Nicole is the numbers person. She handles everything to do with money; is the contact person with financial institutions and vendors. Nicole is responsible for reporting, both day to day, and monthly statements on how the firm is performing. Bookkeeper and Accountant presents the world of general and trust banking within a law firm, how to manage vendors and accounts, maintaining the general ledger and producing financial statements, and performing month end and year end procedures.

Lessons Available in this Suite:

• General Check
• Creating Trust Checks
• Creating Trust Receipts
• New Payables
• Processing Payables
• Email Templates
• Trust to General Transfer
• Ongoing Bank Rec
• End of the Month
• End of Year

Daily Tasks

• Receipt (Trust)
• Check (Trust)
• Check (General)


• New Payable
• Open Payable
• Process Payable
• Check (General)
• Transfers

End of Year

• Bank Reconciliation
• G/L Statements
• End of Month
• End of Year

General Setup

• System Settings

Accounting Setup

• Bank Accounts

Recording features interactive components and duration will be different for everyone.

For a more targeted learning path you may concentrate on only one section based on role.


Note: this self-paced OnDemand training requires Adobe Flash to be installed in order for it be viewed.




