Stay current
Keep up to date on what is happening in your practice area. Know the status of specific litigation or when something new hits the courts. Stay informed about developments taking place in the industry or field that is most relevant to your clients and your practice.

This current–awareness tool provides you with daily, breaking news in more than 35 practice areas. With Law360® you will be among the first to know about the latest practice area developments relating to the subjects you are monitoring.

Mealey’s™ Litigation Reports
A trusted source and the premier provider of litigation news since 1984, Mealey’s™ provides unbiased coverage of significant legal developments through more than 50 targeted reports—many of which focus on narrow but emerging subjects simply not covered elsewhere. Rely on Mealey’s to study the latest activity, commentary and trends in complex litigation around the U.S., frequently with links to underlying briefs and arguments.

This collection of docket and document research tools helps you conduct thorough due diligence, monitor litigation affecting your practice, and identify new business opportunities. Search across the full text of more than 168 million federal and state court dockets and documents with a single click, run a filter to view exactly what you need, and receive timely alerts and tracks on new and ongoing case filings.

Lexis® Alerts
Stay on top of legal and business news and distribute critical information quickly. Use intuitive online tools to search the LexisNexis® collection of news, business, financial and public records information provided by authoritative sources from around the world. Save key searches as alerts to receive updates on the timetable you choose—even real-time alerts. You can set up a publication alert and receive updates without a search. And it’s easy to set up a Shepard’s Alert® to stay on top of cases and statutes.

Securities and capital markets intelligence can be critical to client needs. It’s all at your fingertips with this trusted resource. You’ll find real-time and historical SEC and SEDAR® filings and information, plus analytical tools to help you quickly compile the clearest picture of evolving and developing compliance, transactional, disclosure and regulatory activity.
Analyze depositions
A lot of witness information is flying at you—some of it important, some of it extraneous. How can you make sure you and your team are pulling together witness statements in an efficient and logical way? LexisNexis® solutions will help you manage and review this critical piece of the discovery process, connecting depositions to other pieces of evidence to present a winning case.

Transcript Management Software
No matter how much new technology changes the way we work, litigation still comes down to building a strong case. TextMap® helps you manage depositions, quickly locate and annotate key passages and link case facts. With direct linking to CaseMap®, you can be sure you are crafting and fortifying your case.

CaseMap® Cloud Case Analysis Software
Develop and tell the story of your case. Take control of myriad moving parts and vital bits of information. Leverage logical collaboration features and structure your case with intuitive CaseMap organizational tools. Create compelling work product—chronologies, motions for summary judgment and more. Organize witnesses, facts, documents, privilege logs and deposition summaries—all around the pillars of your case.
Litigate cases
Collect and analyze important materials, then organize and present your case with state-of-the-art tools and solutions from LexisNexis®. Connect related pieces of evidence, structure your materials, create timelines and dazzle the court, the jury or a neutral with a compelling display of all you and your team have built into the foundation of your case.

CaseMap® Cloud Case Analysis Software
Develop and tell the story of your case. Take control of myriad moving parts and vital bits of information. Leverage logical collaboration features and structure your case with intuitive CaseMap organizational tools. Create compelling work product—chronologies, motions for summary judgment and more. Organize witnesses, facts, documents, privilege logs and deposition summaries—all around the pillars of your case.

Transcript Management Software
No matter how much new technology changes the way we work, litigation still comes down to building a strong case. TextMap® helps you manage depositions, quickly locate and annotate key passages, and link case facts. With direct linking to CaseMap®, you can be sure you are crafting and fortifying your case.

TimeMap® Timeline Graphing Tool
The relevance and significance of what takes place is often determined by when it takes place. Now, you can take the “what” and the “when” and present a compelling case chronology in court, during mediation or arbitration, during settlement discussions or wherever you need to make your point. Do it in whatever medium is most appropriate, whether it is digital or print.

Sanction Litigation Presentation Software
Now it’s easier than ever to simplify your complex story. Efficiently tell it with sound, pictures, numbers, charts, timelines, documents, movies, animations and reconstructions, and do so with speed and stability. Stay in control of your presentation and, if necessary, adjust it on the fly. Sanction® makes you a compelling and nimble multimedia storyteller.