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August 2013

Several new publications from Newton Media a.s. were added:

NEWTON Macroeconomy Specialized Digest – Czech Republic
Articles from the most important Czech dailies, weeklies and websites focusing on macroeconomics, public finances, state budget, currency issues and overall development of the Czech economy.

NEWTON Macroeconomy Specialized Digest – Slovakia
Articles from the most important Slovak dailies, weeklies and websites focusing on macroeconomics, public finances, state budget, currency issues and overall development of the Slovak economy.

NEWTON Industry Specialized Digest – Czech Republic
Articles from the most important Czech dailies, weeklies and websites focusing on the latest development in many different areas of industry.

NEWTON Industry Specialized Digest – Slovakia
Articles from the most important Slovak dailies, weeklies and websites focusing on the latest development in many different areas of industry.

NEWTON Companies Specialized Digest – Czech Republic
Articles from the most important Czech dailies, weeklies and websites focusing on Czech and foreign companies. The digest gives an overview about companies, their representatives, their economic situation and their functioning on the market.

NEWTON Companies Specialized Digest – Slovakia
Articles from the most important Slovak dailies, weeklies and websites focusing on Slovak and foreign companies. The digest gives an overview about companies, their representatives, their economic situation and their functioning on the market.

NEWTON Business News – Czech Republic
A selected digest of the most important news from the Czech business environment. English language summaries, with original Czech article.

European Voice was established in 1995 by The Economist Group and is the market-leader for news and comment about the European Union and the implications of EU policy on its member states. The newspaper’s mix of in-depth news and analysis is what sets European Voice apart.

Quotenet is the web site of the Dutch Quote, published by Hearst Magazines Netherlands.  Coverage includes business, cars, money, fashion, and luxury.

The Tijdschrift voor de Politie is a Dutch-language provider of news and reference for police and the public order, written by authors in those fields. It is read by police management, tactical and strategic staff.

Metro Herald is a newspaper available in Greater Dublin. It is known for its local and international news, celebrity gossip, lifestyle features, sports, and off-beat stories.

The New Age newspaper is a South Aftrica national daily newspaper, owned and operated by TNA Media (Pty) Ltd. The New Age covers news from all nine provinces, along with national events, Op-Ed columns, politics, Africa and International news, sports, business, entertainment, lifestyle, science and technology.

Sky News is a 24-hour news channel with headquarters in the UK. In addition to TV, other platforms include mobile, online, radio and tablet. Bureaus outside of the UK include those in Beijing, Moscow, Washington, DC, Delhi and Dubai.

Several new publications from Asianet-Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd were recently added. This release expands LexisNexis’ global coverage and adds key national publications to our content collection. These new sources increase the discovery of evolving trends, critical events, social, business and political dynamics in important markets, including Southern Africa, South and Southeast Asia, Hungary and Turkey. The publications included in this collection, include major wire services, top daily newspapers and industry trade publications.

Hungarian Official News Digest
The Namibia Press Agency (NAMPA)
South African Official News
Miadhu (Maldives)
The News Today (Bangladesh)
Today's Zaman (Turkey)
Dawn (Pakistan)
The Bangkok Post (Thailand)
The Phnom Penh Post (Cambodia)
Business Mirror (Philippines)
Value Chain (Pakistan)
Pakistan Food Journal
Pakistan Journal of Agriculture Sciences
KASBIT Business Research Journal (Pakistan)

The BBC News website is the internet arm of the British Broadcasting Corporation, which launched in
November 1997. Pages are published by teams of online journalists based in the main newsroom in BBC
TV Centre and BBC World. This is the Arabic, Russian and Turkish language content.

Several new publications from ProQuest were recently added. These titles further enhance the existing relationship between ProQuest and LexisNexis and provide consistent and targeted updates from various domestic and international publishers, allowing researchers to discover areas of growth, identify industry threats, and to perform in-depth market analysis.

American Jails
American Scientist
Capitol Ideas
Carbon & Climate Law Review
China Finance Review International
Future Cardiology
Future Neurology
Future Oncology
Future Virology
Imaging in Medicine
International Journal of Cyber Criminology
International Journal of Logistics Management
Jane's Airport Review
Jane's Country Risk Daily Report
Jane's Defence Industry
Jane's Defence Weekly
Jane's Intelligence Review
Jane's Intelligence Weekly
Jane's International Defense Review
Jane's Islamic Affairs Analyst
Jane's Missiles & Rockets
Jane's Navy International
Jane's Terrorism & Security Monitor
Jane's Terrorism Watch Report
Journal of Product and Brand Management
National Driller
Personalized Medicine
Psychiatric News
Pulp & Paper International
Qualitative Market Research
Regenerative Medicine
Religion Watch
Renewable Energy Law and Policy
Social Enterprise Journal
Supply Chain Management Review
Surveillance & Society
Washington Informer

Dion Global Solutions Limited is a weekly that provides software solutions, research, and information services to financial institutions globally.  It contains news articles covering topics such as banking, real estate, telecommunication and auto.  It is contains three reports: CNX Report a quarterly results update, CSN (Company Scan) an equity research report, and CS (Company Snapshot) a one page brief equity report.  All reports are on listed companies.


Verband der Vereine Creditreform e.V. is no longer publishing the below publications and as a result these have been removed:

  • Creditreform Bal - Austria
  • Creditreform Bal - Germany
  • Creditreform Balance Sheets

IRIS Indian Company Profiles has been removed due to low usage.

CB Media no longer has the rights to distribute Maclean’s and as a result this title has been removed.

Corbell Publishing is no longer providing the following titles to LexisNexis and as a result these have been removed:

  • DVD Statistical Report
  • Video Industry Statistical Report
  • Video Duplication Directory

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is no longer providing National Climatic Weather Data and as a result this file has been removed. This file was last updated in 2005.

Newscom, LLC no longer has the rights to distribute Nucleus Medical Art. As a result, this title has been removed. This file last updated in 2006.

Elsevier is no longer providing Mosby's Medical Drug Reference and as a result this title has been removed.

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