February 2014
Atlantic Online (Filename: ATLNOL) from Atlantic Media Inc. is dedicated to equipping opinion leaders with breakthrough ideas and original insights. It reaches leaders across all sectors – consumer, business, media and government and is strategically designed to meet the unique needs of this community.
Atlantic Online's approach of innovative portfolio of digital, print, event, social, and mobile platforms engages an influential audience of over 30 million worldwide each month. Atlantic Online is a part of the collection of Atlantic Media's portfolio of news brands, provide coverage of rising urban trends and urgent issues beyond mainstream news. These insightful publications provide a unique look into the worlds of culture, politics, business, technology, literature, and the arts.
The reports from Progressive Digital Media Private Limited provide in depth detail on trends and drivers of a particular market within a region and aid with analysing the consumption volumes and values at market and category level, brand share and distribution channel data. The titles from Canadean, ICD Research, Kable and Strategic Defence Intelligence, add value to our current portfolio of industry reports.
Canadean - Industry Forecast Report (Filename: CANFOR)
Canadean - Industry Guide (Filename: CANIND)
Canadean - Market Guide (Filename: CANMKG)
Canadean - Market Profile (Filename: CANMKT)
Canadean - Monthly Deal Report (Filename: CANDEA)
Canadean - Panel Report (Filename: CANPAN)
Canadean - Sector Report (Filename: CANSEC)
Canadean - Survey Report (Filename: CANSUR)
ICD Research - Industry Forecast Report (Filename: ICDFOR )
ICD Research - Market Guide (Filename: ICDMKG)
ICD Research - Market Profile (Filename: ICDMKT)
ICD Research - Monthly Deal Report (Filename: ICDDEA)
ICD Research - Sector Report (Filename: ICDSEC)
ICD Research - Survey Report (Filename ICDSUR)
Strategic Defence Intelligence - Survey Report (Filename: SDISUR)
Strategic Defence Intelligence - Sector Report (Filename: SDISEC)
Strategic Defence Intelligence - Monthly Deal Report (Filename: SDIDEA)
Strategic Defence Intelligence - Market Profile (Filename: SDIMKT)
Strategic Defence Intelligence - Industry Forecast Report (Filename: SDIFOR)
Kable - Customer Insight Report (Filename: KABCIR)
Kable - ICT Budget Forecasting (Filename: KABIBF)
Kable - ICT Spend Predications (Filename: KABISP)
Kable - Top ICT Spenders (Filename: KABTIS)
PUBLISHER: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH (jetzt Platow Medien GmbH)
PLATOW Extra from Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH (jetzt Platow Medien GmbH), is a special supplement that is published periodically as an addition to all weekly PLATOW products. It provides background information and analysis on current issues in business, banking and finance. Also included is the series "Private Banking," which appears once or twice a month.
Additional publications from Al Bawaba Middle East Limited have been added. This collection of new titles further expands our coverage of these key regions and our ever growing collection of content through Al Bawaba.
Malta Now
Malta Now is a free of charge monthly newspaper distributed nationwide throughout Malta and Gozo. Published in Valetta, Malta. English language.
Malta Today
National newspaper, with a focus on investigative reporting and political news. Published in Valetta, Malta. English language.
The Malta Business Weekly<
The Malta Business Weekly is a supplement publication included within the Thursday edition of The Malta Independent, focusing on local business and financial news from Malta. Published in Valetta, Malta. English language.
The Malta Independent
The Malta Independent is a national newspaper published daily in Valetta, Malta, covering local and international news, business and sports, plus debate, features and lifestyle articles. English language.
ET Net
ET Net is a leading Chinese financial news agency based in Hong Kong, English language.
Borsa Istanbul (Turkish)
The Borsa Istanbul is the sole exchange entity of Turkey combining the former Istanbul Stock Exchange, the Istanbul Gold Exchange and the Derivatives Exchange of Turkey under one umbrella.
Investing.com (Dutch)
Investing.com (French)
Investing.com (German)
Investing.com (Italian)
Investing.com (Spanish)
Investing.com (Portuguese)
Investing.com (Russian)
Investing.com (Turkish)
Investing.com is a definitive source for tools and information relating to the financial markets such as real-time quotes and streaming charts, up-to-date financial news, technical analysis, brokers directory & listings, an economic calendar, and tools & calculators. The site provides in-depth financial information on Currencies, Indices & Stocks, Futures and Options, Commodities, and Rates & Bonds. Published in Dubai, UAE.
1. The low usage and revenue for the following publications does not justify the cost to maintain the publications, and as a result these have been removed:
- Ai Wire Photos
- Custom Medical Stock Photo
- Color China
- Congressional Quarterly Photos (Washington, DC)
- FotoSA (Russia)
- GDA – La Nacion Argentina
- GDA – O Globo Brasil
- Newscast
- Reforma Photos (Mexico)
2. Scripps Howard, Inc. is no longer sending Scripps Howard News Service to LexisNexis and as a result this title has been removed.
3. The following titles are no longer updated and as a result have been removed:
- Tools of the Trade
- RATINGaktuell
- East Asian Affairs
- Corporate Security
- Sales Business