April 2016
Luxemburger Wort is a daily, multilingual newspaper from Luxembourg—mainly French and German—from Saint Paul Luxembourgh. The following versions have been added:
New sources are now available from Newsco:
- Coiffure de Paris covers current trends in hair-styling.
- Stratégies is a weekly magazine for communication professionals.
- Cosmétique Hebdo and Cosmétique Mag inform about products, consumption trends, market strategies, distributors and furnishers of packages and ingredients of the Beaut industry.
HT Media Ltd has added the following publications:
- Alwihda is a Chadian weekly.
- FrontPageAfrica Frontpageafricaonline.com is Liberia’s leading investigative online news magazine.
- Mali Actu (News Mali) is a Malian Information newspaper published exclusively on the Internet.
- National Mirror is a daily newspaper published in Nigeria in a tabloid format.
Merge of MediaNews Group Titles
Due to a change in publisher strategy, the following publication archives will be merged into The Contra Costa Times:
– The Oakland Tribune (Oakland, CA)
– The Daily Review (Hayward, CA)
– The Argus
The San Jose Mercury News will be retitled The Mercury News. It will remain a daily paper. Additionally, The San Mateo County Times archive will be merged into The Mercury News file.
1. International Company Handbook, LTD lost the rights to provide Latin American Company Database archive. This publication ceased updating since 1996 and as a result, the individual source Latin American Company Database was taken down.
2. Penton has chosen to discontinue syndication of the Aviation Week publications in favor of a direct distribution model. As a result the following content will be removed from LexisNexis:
- Aerospace Daily & Defense Report
- Aviation Daily
- Aviation Week & Space Technology
- Business & Commercial Aviation
- Business Aviation